Thursday, April 14, 2016

My 3 A's Of Happiness

Happiness is something very abstract and different people interpret it differently. Hence, there is no "one size fit all" kind of model answer when come to understanding true meaning of happiness. 

Having said that, genuine and regular smiles and laughter do frequently associated with happiness. So, let's keep smiling and keep going! ;-) Today, I am going to share the 3 A's of Happiness which is my living motto :

Accept - Accept who you are and the current position you are at is the very important first step. You are where you are for a reason and more often than not, it is due to your previous actions (or in-actions). So, without accepting yourself as it is, you will tends to make excuses instead of make plan to move forward.    

Appreciate - Appreciate yourself, your loved ones as well as what you've possessed thus far. "Enough" is more important than "More", when comes to happiness, LESS is MORE! 

Adventurous - Be more adventurous in your daily life routines e.g. walk a different route home, read a different kind of movies, eat food that you've never try before.. in short, do something different, something adventurous to spice up your life. You know why? Newness bring excitement and widen your horizon. 


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