Currently, I am half way through reading a book called "The Happiness Equation" (by Neil Pasricha). In one of the chapter, I learnt about a powerful word called ikigai (Japanese) and I am stuck with it since....
So, what is ikigai? To put it simply, ikigai means "the reason you wake up in the morning". We all need to have some sense of being or purpose in life, or else, we are no difference from salted fish (this candid term is borrowed from an old Hong Kong comedy movie by Stephen Chow).
So, before you can actually define or measure your happiness, you need to first know what is your ikigai? Of course, ikigai might be changing over time and we can have different ikigai at different phase of life.
Personally, my ikigai is to embrace life and spread happiness to my loved ones as well as those around me (online or offline).
So, what is your ikigai at the moment?
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