Thursday, April 14, 2016

My 3 A's Of Happiness

Happiness is something very abstract and different people interpret it differently. Hence, there is no "one size fit all" kind of model answer when come to understanding true meaning of happiness. 

Having said that, genuine and regular smiles and laughter do frequently associated with happiness. So, let's keep smiling and keep going! ;-) Today, I am going to share the 3 A's of Happiness which is my living motto :

Accept - Accept who you are and the current position you are at is the very important first step. You are where you are for a reason and more often than not, it is due to your previous actions (or in-actions). So, without accepting yourself as it is, you will tends to make excuses instead of make plan to move forward.    

Appreciate - Appreciate yourself, your loved ones as well as what you've possessed thus far. "Enough" is more important than "More", when comes to happiness, LESS is MORE! 

Adventurous - Be more adventurous in your daily life routines e.g. walk a different route home, read a different kind of movies, eat food that you've never try before.. in short, do something different, something adventurous to spice up your life. You know why? Newness bring excitement and widen your horizon. 


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5 TED Talks on Happiness And My Personal Favourite Is #4

Personally, I like to watch TED Talks.

Most of the presentations are informative and/or inspirational. We ought to learn a thing or two from each TED Talk. Since this blog of mine is about happiness, I've since hand-picked 5 of my favourite TED Talks on happiness. I hope you folks find them informative and inspiring to facilitate you to STAYED HAPPY.

All most them have amassed millions of views and I am sure you will be part of the new stats in one or more of them. 

Without further, enjoy the talks below :

1. The Habbits Of Happiness by Matthieu Ricard:
2. Less Stuff, More Happiness by Graham Hill:
3. Want To Be Happy? Be Grateful by David Steindl-Rast:
4. What Makes A Good Life? Lessons From The Longest Study On Happiness by Robert Waldinger:
5. The surprising science of happiness by Dan Gilbert:

My personal favourite? No. 4!


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Important Question - What Is Your Ikigai?

Currently, I am half way through reading a book called "The Happiness Equation" (by Neil Pasricha). In one of the chapter, I learnt about a powerful word called ikigai (Japanese) and I am stuck with it since....

So, what is ikigai? To put it simply, ikigai means "the reason you wake up in the morning". We all need to have some sense of being or purpose in life, or else, we are no difference from salted fish (this candid term is borrowed from an old Hong Kong comedy movie by Stephen Chow). 

So, before you can actually define or measure your happiness, you need to first know what is your ikigai? Of course, ikigai might be changing over time and we can have different ikigai at different phase of life.

Personally, my ikigai is to embrace life and spread happiness to my loved ones as well as those around me (online or offline).

So, what is your ikigai at the moment?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Two Platforms With Your Happiness In Their Core - Happier and Happify

The two platforms that I am about to share literally have one and only one mission : making an happier YOU! And it can't go any more direct with their respective names : Happier and Happify.

They are same same but different!

Both of them are full fledged platforms came with mobile apps (in both iOS and Google Play version) to get you up to speed with your own happiness (however you define it) as well as interacting with the like-minded peers in the community.

Go ahead, try to stayed happy and spread your happiness through these platforms/apps, why choose one if you can have two?

1. Happier:

happier app

2. Happify:
happify app


Sunday, April 10, 2016

BrightSide - A Cool Site That Will Brighten Your Day

Feeling down today? Need some sort of inspirational sparks to move you toward the brighter side?

See no further, check out the cool side called Brightside with never ending stream of inspirational articles, videos and photos that will brighten up your days...

If you are on facebook, do like their page too as page with 8 millions plus likes cannot gone that wrong ;-)

Enjoy the bright side and let's go to the dark side only when the next Star Wars movie is coming up.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Happiness Quotes #1 : Attitude Is EVERYTHING When Comes To Happiness!

Happiness Quotes , Life Quotes

Life Quotes # 1:

Life is 10% what happens to you AND 90% how you react to it! 
Attitude is Everything!