Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Occasional Unthinking Is Good For Us?

Recently, I am reading a book called Unthinking - The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy (by Harry Beckwith). Even though it is more focusing on the marketing or advertising aspect but I thought it is applicable to life as a whole too. 

So, should we practise more unthinking?

Basically, the unthinking that we are talking about here is more of follow your heart (or subconscious mind) in taking your action (or inaction). 

For me, personally, I do quite a fair bit of upfront thinking and more of a T.P.A person i.e. :

Think -> Plan -> Act. 

It is deemed a "safer" approach to me but I might also potentially missed out a fair bit of good opportunities if I were to follow my heart. Having said that, one aspect of life that I practise unthinking most of the time (i.e. follow my heart) is when dealing with relationship matter. 

All in all, we need to follow our heart (unthinking) once in a while but do remember to bring our brain too ;-)
Follow your heart , positive quotes
